Sweet Floral Arrangement in Flip Vase

Sweet Floral Arrangement in Flip Vase

from $75.00

Depending on the size of your bouquet, and as blooms begin to fade, flip the top up or down to accommodate stems. Use with a single stem leaf to create visual impact or without flowers as a sculptural object. The vase is perfect to grow an avocado plant or force bulbs. Flip vase can also be used to hold a standard taper candle. Soda lime glass and mineral pigments ensures luminous color. Mouth blown glass.

Floral arrangement is designer’s choice depending on flower availability and may be single floral variety.

Short vase measures 3.1”d x 3.1”w x 7”tall.

Medium vase measures 5.5”d x 5.5”w x 9.24”tall

Hand washed with soap and dry with soft cloth. Never allow candle to burn near rim of vase.

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