Don’t throw away those cardboard egg cartons!

This is a fun and enjoyable activity to do with kids and a nice opportunity to teach them about growing their own flowers or vegetables. Repurposing egg cartons from the supermarket is a great way to save on expensive starter kits and avoids using plastic containers. Once the seeds have sprouted, the cups can be planted directly into the garden soil. The earthworms will have a great time munching on the decomposing carton while fertilizing the soil. It’s a win win for you, the worms and the planet. Happy planting!

Step 1.

All purpose potting mix is great to use for starting seeds. Look for an organic mix if possible.

Step 2.

With a utility knife or sharp scissor, cut and remove the lid from from the egg carton. Place the lid on the bottom of the egg carton so it acts like a tray that will eventually catch water drips. With the tip of a pencil or ball point pen, poke a small drainage hole through each cup.

Step 3.

Using a tea spoon, fill the egg cups with soil and place 2-3 seeds in each and cover lightly with soil. Water or gently mist the soil using a spray bottle until it is moist but not soggy. Cover the egg carton loosely with a sheet of plastic wrap to create a “greenhouse” effect. Place the egg carton in a sunny and warm place. Seeds need a good amount of light and warmth to get an early start. Make sure the soil remains moist until the seeds begin to sprout. Check every few days for moisture and water accordingly if the soil is dry.

Step 4.

When the seeds have sprouted and the stems seem sturdy enough, it is time to repot. You can plant the seedlings directly in the garden soil when the danger of frost has past - check your local zone. Prepare the soil and make sure it is free of weeds. Place the egg cup in the ground and cover with soil according to the instructions on the seed package.

GardenAdonia Floral Design